Covid-19 Test

Looking for same-day results? Need NAAT PCR Testing for your travel plans?
Get tested with Anesis and you never have to worry.

COVID-19 PCR Test Available!

Our Mission

Community is the most important bond you can have and because the Coronavirus is threatening our community, we immediately pivoted all of our resources to help the fight against it. Partnering with a CLIA-certified high complexity molecular diagnostic lab, we are delivering testing to anyone that needs it.That means that patients with or without symptoms can get tested quickly and get results in 1-2 business days for most locations. Together with a CLIA-certified laboratory we are highly qualified and committed to take this on and do our part in helping our community. We are #Washingtonstrong to stop the spread!

Most Requested Services

Same-Day Services

Easily book your appointment with us through the patient portal and check the box for expedited service (additional fee applies).

Travel Testing

We provide NAAT PCR testing necessary for some areas of travel. Contact us today to discuss your test and travels.

Group Testing

Do you have a group of 50 or more that need testing? We provide COVID-19 testing to accommodate large groups at their preferred locations. Perfect for retirement homes and large businesses.

Solutions We Provide


Same Day Service

Expedited rush fee applies, otherwise standard TAT of 1-2 business days for most locations.​

NAAT PCR Tests for Travelers

Our tests are NAAT PCR tests which are necessary for some areas of travel.

On-Site Collection Available

For groups of 50 or more, we will come to you! Ideal for nursing homes and corporations.

Convenient Collection Sites in Washington State.

We are serving the Puget Sound with multiple collection sites, giving you more options to find one most convenient for you.

Our Commitments

What You Can Expect
No Doctor’s Referral Needed​
No Long Wait Times​
1-2 Business Days TAT *Most locations*​
No Hidden Fees.​
Safe, Collection Process​
No Symptoms Needed​
Can Bill Insurance*​

Other COVID-19 Test Providers

What You Can Expect
Doctor's Referral Needed​
Unavailable Appointments​
5-7 Days TAT​
Testing Done Inside Busy Clinics ​
Need Symptoms to Test​
Can Bill Insurance*​

Past COVID-19 Tester Testimonials

Our COVID-19 Testing Locations

Visit our scheduler to view the testing hours for each location.

Renton Clinic

801 SW 16th St,
Suite 121
Renton, WA 98057
Monday – Friday

Bellevue Clinic

1260 116th Ave NE
Bellevue, WA 98004
Monday – Friday
Saturday: Morning only

Everett Clinic

3305 Nassau St.
Everett, WA 98201
Monday – Friday

Tacoma Clinic

1628 South Mildred St,
Suite 104
Tacoma, WA 98465
Monday – Friday

Spokane Clinic

1414 N Vercler Rd, building 5
Spokane, WA 99216
Tuesday, Thursday